Not sure I can do this....
Hey guys/gals (assuming anyone is actually going to read this) :). Mark actually suggested me blogging or vlogging about our life a few weeks back and I laughed at him. Like, literally laughed. I thought, what in the world am I going to say that anyone would actually want to hear? Well, last night we had a few church friends over for dinner and we got on the topic about my poor memory and how I don't remember some very big things that have happened in my life (which of course means, I don't remember the little stuff either). So, it was on my mind this morning that I could use this blog as a means to remember. And if I make someone laugh or encourage someone in their struggle, then BONUS!
God is amazing y'all and I want to glorify Him with my life yet I fail every. single. day. It is a struggle and if I am honest, I get so discouraged at my lack of obedience and faith at times. So, I want to be real here and open about what the Lord is doing in my life. He is good, and I want to be able to look back and see that He is faithful despite my lack of memory skills.
Romans 8:28 has become one of my favorite verses lately. It says "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." WHAT HOPE!! Believing brothers/sisters, in those moments where we are sick or have a loved one who is sick, for those times when financially things just aren't making sense, or when our kids are driving us crazy with their lack of obedience/respect....God is working for our good. Did you hear me? GOD IS WORKING FOR YOUR GOOD! Sometimes we can't see it, but that doesn't mean it isn't there. Honestly, it might not be this side of eternity that we even understand but lets have the TRUST to believe Him at His word and stay FAITHFUL even in the hard times. You will be blessed for it. Maybe not today, or even tomorrow, but you will be blessed when you stay faithful to God in the midst of struggles.
Well, I feel that got heavy for a moment. :) Know I mess this up every day and can find myself only looking at the negative aspect of things, but we have joy and peace that is eternal. Let's live like it! Till next time....