Christmas is here!
5 days till Christmas y'all! I am so excited. I love this time of year. It is a joy to see our kids faces light up the morning of Christmas and to get to visit family over the holiday break from work and school. However, at times, I believe I have lost the true meaning of Christmas. I know we have heard this time and time again, but I know I need the reminder.
It is exciting to get to open presents and give gifts to loved ones. It is wonderful to eat yummy Christmas food and treats over the Holiday season. All of this is fine and dandy as long as we remember what we are truly celebrating. I can't tell you how many times I have fallen into the "I need to buy more, give more, spend more" mentality around Christmas. That is so not the meaning behind this precious day.
Think about how our Savior came into the world. He came as a baby who didn't even have a traditional roof over his head or a bed to sleep in. Jesus was introduced into the world in a barn/cave. The King of Kings who deserved a palace and processional of angels proclaiming His glory, instead shared a bed with a goat. Mary, who was young and away from her home gave birth with no family (besides Joseph) to comfort and encourage her in the birthing process. Joseph I am sure was scared with the new responsibility of being a father. This was a glorious night but full of unknowns for the young couple. Just try to imagine really being in their shoes! Yikes!
Christmas is a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Period. The gifts, treats, and traditions that have been developed over the years are extras that I believe we can fully enjoy when our hearts are set on the true meaning. Jesus came. That is enough to celebrate every day of our lives. Think about what our life would be like if he hadn't come as a precious baby and lived the perfect life we could not and die the death we deserved. We possibly would still have to sacrifice animals for our sins! Yuck! Either that, or we would have no hope at all. Just thinking about that brings tears to my eyes. He came, sweet baby Jesus, God incarnate, came to save all. What a glorious day!
Enjoy the gifts, treats, and traditions. Enjoy the extra time with family if you are so able to do so. I also encourage you to dwell on and meditate on exactly what we are celebrating. Teach the truth to your children. Guide them to truly believe it is better to give than to receive the way Jesus did. Don't make it all about Santa or the gifts but about Jesus and what He did for us and now what we can do for others. Start new traditions where Jesus is the center. Don't be afraid to go against the grain and what our culture deems as "normal". I am pretty sure God doesn't want us going into a huge amount of debt or using extra funds on ourselves when we could be a blessing to others.
Believe me, I am not saying don't buy your family gifts this Christmas. We bought our kids and family plenty this year. It is really a heart issue. I challenge you to check your motives behind how you celebrate this glorious Holiday. I need to check mine every year for sure. It is easy to get caught up in it all, but what we really need to get caught up in is Jesus.
Happy Birthday Jesus. Thank you for coming in the perfect way, living a perfect life in my place, and dying a perfect death that I totally deserved. My words are not sufficient, but I will still proclaim that I am thankful. My prayer for each of you is the same. Love you all. Till next time.