Second Chances.....Praise God!
Does anyone else ever get anxious when thinking about past mistakes or failures when you currently find yourself in a similar situation? I know I do at times especially when it has to do with confrontation. I do not like to ruffle feathers, yet as a Christian, we need to be ready to give an account for what we believe (1 Peter 3:15). Praise God there is hope even when we have severely messed things up in the past.
When Mark first suggested I start a blog, I said something like "What in the world do I have to say that anyone would want to hear?". I still feel that way at times, but I am being obedient to what God has asked me to do. I pray regularly that God will open my mind to what He wants me to write about each week. The topic today jumped out at me as I was doing my devotional (Journey Through Acts by Jill McSheehy) this morning. We were in Acts 4:13-22. In this passage we see Peter and John before Annas and Caiaphas along with the other priests being questioned and told not to speak or teach in the name of Jesus. What sticks out in this passage to me is that this was the same group of people Jesus was questioned in front of prior to His crucifixion. So what's the big deal about that?
What I see here is a great example of God giving His children second chances. Opportunities for growth if you will. When Jesus was questioned Peter and John were there as well. However, we don't see them standing up for Jesus or helping Him in any way (we actually see Peter deny Jesus...John 18:15-24). Fast forward to Acts and we see Peter and John speaking with boldness which Acts 4:13 says led to the point that Annas and Caiaphas recognized they had been with Jesus. Goals! :)
Peter and John were in a very similar situation as before when Jesus was questioned. However, there were greater pressures and potential consequences because it was their necks on the line this time. They were under fire by the priests. However, they did not cower or deny Christ as before but proclaimed Him with boldness.
Peter and John could have walked into that situation with fear and trembling remembering their failure from before. However, they allowed God's grace and mercy to wash over them and the Holy Spirit's power shown through them with their boldness! To the point where the people recognized that they had been with Jesus! Shouldn't that be our daily goal? No amount of education or even experience will shine through us like the presence of Jesus!
I encourage each of you (and myself) to allow God's grace and mercy to wash over us the way it did for Peter and John. Don't get bogged down by past mistakes and failures or even what other's might think of you. Rest in His forgiveness. Spend time with God on a daily basis. Read His word and allow it to penetrate every area of your life. But don't just read it. Do it. We can't make everyone happy (though I still struggle with trying) but we can bring glory to God by living for Him with a boldness that comes from the Holy Spirit. Let each of us seek to be a light for Him so when we leave this world (and even daily conversations) there is no doubt that we have been with Jesus! Love you all! Till next time!