God isn't concerned about your happiness
Ouch. That title might not be what you would expect from a pastor's wife. :) It also might be the only reason you opened this blog. Regardless of why you are reading this, the message here is for each and every true believer in Jesus for their salvation. God isn't concerned with your happiness. Period.
This might come to some as a surprise given the way our world likes to put God in their own boxes labeled "Love", "Peace", "Equality", and many others. Notice above I didn't say this message is for Christians because honestly, that word is thrown around so loosely that I believe it has lost its true meaning. A Christian is a follower of Christ. That can't be someone who is preaching/teaching/proclaiming blasphemous lies about God. Unfortunately, there are many false prophets, wolves in sheep's clothing so to speak, out there doing just that.
Y'all we need to be careful. We need to have wisdom and discernment to not just follow whoever (even when that person has been credible in the past). False prophets are rampant and proclaiming a gospel that says God is love, everyone will get to heaven, and there are many ways to get there (heaven). An example would include the book, now movie, The Shack.
I digress. :) Back to the point, about our happiness. We aren't promised happiness. In fact 2 Timothy 3:12 takes it a step further by saying "Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.". Persecution y'all. Not a perfect life. 1 John 3:13 even says "Do not be surprised, brothers, that the world hates you." This begs the question -"If we aren't being "hated" by the world, are we really living our faith out?" That word hate means to detest, disregard, and abhor. This can look many different ways in our culture today but the point is, as a true believer, we will face this hate when we are living out the Word of God.
So, God doesn't require us to be happy. He states we will be persecuted and hated. So why do we feel like we deserve happiness? Why do we think God is unfair or cruel when things don't go our way? When bad things happen to good people? Let's face it. We have all thought of something being unfair or not right that has happened either to us or to someone we care about. However, He is God. I am not. I believe each of us needs to remember that and be THANKFUL! Yes thankful! He is in control and sovereign which leaves me to be free to live without having to know it all or understand it all or even try to control it all. (Type A people might struggle with this...I am guilty). So what does God require? Two verses come to mind (there are many!) John 14:23 and James 1:22. John says this: "Jesus answered him, "if anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come into him and make our home with him." and James states: "But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves." The key in these verses is obedience to God's Word.
God isn't concerned about our happiness, there are no promises that will happen. But He does require our obedience. This is where God's promises tell us He will dwell in us and give us His authority through the Holy Spirit to run this race He has set before us. Mark is preaching through Ephesians right now and one thing he pointed out yesterday was that in Ephesians 1:11-14 it speaks to the Holy Spirit sealing us and how that seal wasn't just authority over us but also through us to proclaim Jesus and give us His power to fulfill what God has called each of us to do. God isn't going to call you to something He isn't going to prepare you for. Read that last sentence again. God calls us to obey His word, therefore He WILL provide us the way to do that. That provision is found in the Holy Spirit, God Himself, living within us! Hallelujah!
I feel like this post has been kind of everywhere, but it all fits together. God is God and I am not. He doesn't promise happiness and a cushy life, and if the people you are following/reading/listening to are telling you things like "God wants you to be happy", or "God just wants me to feel loved however that looks", or "Do what feels good to you and God will be okay with that" -RUN and I mean as fast as you can away from that teaching. It is not biblical. No ifs, ands, or butts about it. However, God does promise to equip us and empower us with His Holy Spirit (God Himself) within us. He sees so much more than our minds can comprehend. Let's trust Him, I mean truly trust Him and lose the anxiety, worry, and need for control. Let's spend time with Him daily to be able to discern those wolves that seem to be multiplying like crazy around us. Let's be okay with being hated by this world knowing it is not our home and we are just passing through. God is good. Even when we don't understand. I learn this more and more everyday. I hope you do too. I love you all. Till next time.
Sweet Ella's song: