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Grace...Oh how I need it!

Hey y'all! It has been a few weeks since my last post. Honestly, I just haven't been feeling the whole blog writing thing lately. Maybe it is because we have been super busy, maybe not. I tend to wait until the Lord really lays something on my heart before I write. Which is good, cause anything from me would be pretty useless. All that is good within me comes from Him and Him alone. So, what to chat about today? Grace. And my immeasurable need for it.

Ministry is hard. It doesn't matter if you are in full time paid ministry or work as a volunteer in your church. Working with people on a regular basis can get messy. It might be a surprise to you, but we are all sinners in need of God's never ending, life changing grace. I need His grace moment by moment to keep my attitude, words, and thoughts in check. 2 Corinthians 12:9 says: But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Praise God! I am beyond thankful that He takes my messed up weaknesses and shows His power by working through me. I would not be where I am today without Him.

Something I struggle with as a Christian is that I totally understand my need for grace. I know my inward thoughts and sinful tendencies and fully comprehend how I am wretched and evil apart from Christ. Why then is it so hard to extend grace to others? Why is it that I am so thankful for God's grace to me yet I can't show that same grace to those around me? I know I am not alone here. James 4:6 says this But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble." I want and need more grace!! I do not want God to oppose me. That is scary y'all. So how do we achieve that.....humility.

So what is humility? Webster's dictionary states that to be humble is not proud or haughty, and also a ranking low in a hierarchy or scale. So ultimately, to be humble is to not think of ourselves so much. :) What would our life look like if we truly lived this way? What if our opinions weren't top priority or what if we let that snide comment roll off our back cause we understood the pain it came from? What changes would we see if we considered others as more important than ourselves? Christ showed us the ultimate act of humility when He left His home in heaven at the right hand of God to become flesh and die for us. We are to be like Christ. It is time for His church to stop trying to get our needs met and look for how we can meet the needs of others. I am so guilty of this. I strive to protect my own (husband/kids) and my ideas/thoughts/vision for how everything should run. Hello!?! It's not about me! It is about glorifying God in how I talk, act, and think.

I am encouraged today. It might not sound like it from what is written above, but I am. I have a renewed sense of purpose. I know trying to get others to understand a different way to do things after years and years of habitual traditions is going to be difficult. I do however know the way we live our lives today as individuals and as a church can improve for God's glory. I know there will be times in ministry we have to do things we might know are not the best way in order to reach those around us and get to the best way. It will take time and patience and oh so much grace. It will be hard and it will be tiring. Sometimes I will want to quit. Some days I will not sleep over the concern for those around me. That's okay, because God's grace is sufficient and His power is made perfect in my weakness. Praise His Holy name! I encourage each of you to show grace. Extend it lavishly on those around you, knowing we all desperately need it. His grace is sufficient. I love you all, till next time.

If you have time, check out Ella's song!

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