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God is Able. Yes, Lord.

Man, it has been awhile since I wrote. My original goal was to post a blog about once a week. However, I didn't want to force anything and really didn't want what I was writing to be coming from just me, but rather the Lord (He is a WAY better author than I am) :). Yesterday, He seemed to be screaming at me and I knew I couldn't ignore it.

Mark has been preaching through Ephesians for the past several weeks and yesterday's sermon was on Ephesians 3:20-21 "Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever Amen." I don't know about you but these verses make me want to shout! We serve an amazing God. I pray God would open your eyes to the immense truth that is wrapped up in these two little verses. God is able.

We could stop there because God being able is everything. However, Paul wants us to really grasp this concept. It isn't that He is sorta able, or mostly able. He.Is.Able. And not just able, but able to do all that we ask and even think. I don't know about you, but I can think up some pretty amazing things involving myself and my family. God is able. Paul doesn't even stop there. Yes, God can do all we ask or even think, but He can also do far more abundantly than we ask or think!! That means He is able to do the things we cannot even imagine or dare to let ourselves dream! He is able! He is the creator of all things and He is able. So what does that mean for us?

It means we need to ask. Prayer shouldn't be a last resort. It should be our first response. We need to be on our knees praying for the lost and being EXPECTANT for God to answer! We need to trust the Lord that whatever we ask for in His name in His will, He will do! This does not mean God is going to give you a million dollars or make it to where you are never sick again. No. We aren't looking for selfish gain here. We are looking and expecting God to work within His will to further His kingdom and bring Himself glory. The most amazing thing about God being able, is that he chooses to be able through us.

He doesn't need us. He is God and we are not. He made something out of nothing. What in the world could I ever do to help Him? However, in His abundant love and kindness, He chooses to use us that's why verse 20 states "according to the power at work within us". It is all His power, but it is His power IN US!! You know what that means right?!? We have to get off our behinds and get to work! Pray and be expectant that the Lord will answer our prayers but don't just sit on this power He has given us through the Holy Spirit. Get up and get moving!

Summer is coming and I hear a lot about the need for taking a break from ministry during the summer. I challenge you to look at ministry differently. If you view it as a chore then of course you want a break! Rather, see it as a way to watch God work. We work ourselves ragged almost daily with activities and different obligations. What better way to use our time than in ETERNAL KINGDOM work. There is nothing during your lifetime that you could do that is more important than leading lost souls to the only one who can save. If you would rather veg out and watch Netflix than work to spread the gospel to the lost, I urge you to check your motives. Get honest with yourself. Are we serving the Lord because we feel like we have to in order to be a "good christian" or are we serving the Lord out of the joy in our own heart knowing there is nothing greater than the lost being found? Believe me, I am saying this to myself just as much as to anyone who reads this. Praise God for grace!

God is able and He chooses to work through His Spirit in us. Let's be expectant for God to do great things by being willing to go and to do what He is calling us to go and to do. Verse 21 really brings it all together. We are not working and serving for our own good. Rather, verse 21 says "to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever Amen." Did you catch what was said? It is for God's glory throughout all generations - forever and ever!! The work we do for the Lord now will not only impact those we love on and share the gospel with, but will impact them for generations to come! Again, ETERNAL KINGDOM work. I will say it 100 times if I need to, there is nothing better we can do with our time on earth than to make God known. Are you willing?

My yes is on the table. Lord, yes. Wherever, whatever. Your will be done in my life. Use me for Your glory. May I run myself ragged for eternal purposes and not my own selfish desires knowing your grace is sufficient and your power is made perfect in my weakness(2 Cor 12:9). I pray that is the desire of your heart as well. What amazing things we could see done for God's glory if we all understood He is able, and able through His Spirit in us. Let's get to work! I love you all. Till next time.

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