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New Beginnings

I love fresh new beginnings. There is just something special about starting a new endeavor. Maybe a mix of excitement and fear? I am not sure but I do know that God is good. I am working on being thankful in our next new beginning.

We are moving this weekend. With this comes so many emotions. Pretty much all of them. Excitement, anger, happiness, fear, joy, peace, worry to name a few. Things are going to be different. And while different is not necessarily a bad thing, it is unknown and with that comes a bit of hesitation and questions like "Will my family fit in?", "Will we be able to do what God is asking of us?" -I know the answer to that one, but we still ask it just the same. :) However, I feel a tremendous peace with this move. I believe we have been and will be right where God wants us. One chapter is closing, and while it was not written exactly how we would have imagined or dreamed, it is written and God is not surprised. This new chapter has so much potential and I am looking forward to how God will use myself and my family in Missouri. I feel like Isaiah when he wrote in Is 43:19 "Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." Hallelujah!

God is able, and not just able, but more than able to do what He says He will do. I know God will not leave us or forsake us and that He has a good plan for us at First Baptist Lockwood. I am excited to watch it unfold. I am looking forward to having family close by again. I am going to miss my friends here in Texas tremendously, but I know we will keep in touch. Let me encourage you if you are at the end or beginning of a season of your life. First, God is not done with you. If you are still breathing, you still have purpose and work for the kingdom to do. Second, with the end of something, comes the beginning of something new. Embrace it. Have the Lord's peace in whatever it is you are facing. He has not left you. He is with you and will guide you if you listen to Him.

It might not always feel good, but trust in God. Who knows what might be around the corner? Honestly, it could be even harder than what you just went through. But you don't have to walk through it alone. Ever. There is so much peace in knowing God is God and He sees ALL. One day it will all make sense. Until then, trust Him and praise Him no matter the situation. He alone deserves it. Till next time. I love you all.

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