Go ahead and use me
Did you decide to read this blog due to the title? :) I might have done that on purpose, but I do pray you would hear me out and stick around for the full story. This is a super important subject that I personally feel today's Christian is really lacking (myself included). We, as Christians, don't allow ourselves to get used enough. Let me explain.
Mark has been going through the Sermon on the Mount found in Matthew 5 on Sunday nights at church; right now we are in the beatitudes. I have been through this study with him before, but it just seems I forget all too easily. He does a fantastic job of breaking down what these beatitudes mean and how they should be changing my life. First, these attitudes are descriptions of what a Christian should look like. These are not things we do to be a Christian, but rather, attitudes we should portray when we ARE a Christian. So keep that in mind. Second, some of these are very hard. I mean just take the first one...poor in spirit. How hard is it in this day and age to truly look at ourselves in comparison to who God is and understand our place (say...a tiny dot compared to an ETERNAL HOLY GOD). Can I get an amen?
So let's get to the point of being used. :) Last Sunday we were on the 5th beatitude - Matthew 5:7 which states "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy." The way Mark explained the beatitudes up until this point is that 1-3 (poor in spirit, mourn, meek) all are us realizing who we are compared to who God is and getting to the point where we hunger and thirst for righteousness (the 4th one). The next 3 (5-7) are our response to knowing who we are and therefore changing and becoming more like Jesus. So what is mercy? Google :) gives the definition as "compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm" another way I have heard it explained is unmerited favor. Ultimately, mercy is not getting something (like a punishment) when you deserve it. Isn't God merciful!
When we understand who we are compared to God (poor in spirit), and truly are sorry for our sin (mourn), and wholly submit ourselves to Jesus (meek) we get to the point where we deeply desire the things of God (hunger and thirst for righteousness). This will therefore enable us through His Spirit to show mercy when someone does not deserve it. This is very contrary to what we are taught (even in the church). I have heard, even recently, comments like: "They have hurt me too many times", "Shouldn't I protect myself?", "I don't deserve to be treated that way", and my favorite "I deserve happiness". My question for you is this; Where is that in the Bible? Seriously...
Now, don't start throwing rotten food at me just yet. Hear me out. I am not saying this is easy. I am also not saying being happy is wrong. Furthermore, I don't believe we should deliberately put ourselves into situations that can harm us. However, what I am saying is that we should not withhold mercy from someone when so much mercy has been given to us through Jesus. The Bible is very clear on this. Someone says, "So and so has hurt me for the last time!", the Bible says turn the other cheek (Matthew 5:39) and forgive (Matthew 18:22). I get it. This is so not how our world tells us to behave. We have such an all about me mentality that we refuse to give the same gift we have so graciously been given. This should not be.
It was recently brought up to me that this just sounds like we are allowing ourselves to be a mat for someone to walk all over. To the world, I can totally see that. But not to the Lord. Now, please hear my heart on this. I am not speaking to abusive situations where someone is physically being hurt. There is just and rightful cause to remove oneself from that situation and be safe. I am speaking to other hurts. For example, someone continuously offends you, someone lies and abuses your generosity, or someone is your friend only when it suits a need of theirs. Honestly, these are things we often get very tired of enduring. These are the times it is so hard to be the hands and feet of Jesus. It is when our faith is truly walked out in our actions as we choose to love and show mercy when someone does not deserve it. It is when we allow ourselves to be used because it is exactly what Jesus would do.
Friend, this is not a normal reaction. It takes the work of the Holy Spirit in your life to be able to respond with mercy. If your gut reaction to this is "there is no way I would let myself be used like that", I desperately urge you to take a honest look at your relationship with Jesus. Faith apart from works is dead (James 2:26). Only God knows your heart, but I exhort you to pray about this if you find yourself lacking the ability to show mercy. When you desire to be more like Jesus, God will provide the ability to do so. He is so full of mercy and grace. Please know, this is a struggle for me, but it is something I know I need to be doing. Won't you come alongside me and seek to show mercy to those God puts in your path....day after day, time after time. He sees. He knows and when you stand before Him one day, He will say "Well done my good and faithful servant". Isn't that worth all the worldly pain someone might cause us? Show mercy, receive mercy. I love you all. Till next time.
Worship with me today: