When Love Hurts.
Y'all, today's blog post is probably going to ruffle some feathers. It isn't my intention to blast anyone or their opinions, I am simply writing mine. Take it or leave it. We, as a general people, are so hypocritical. I can't hardly stand to scroll through my social media accounts or turn on the TV because it is just so full of, honestly, junk. Just plain junk. It is so difficult to trust anything I see/hear. Let me explain.
Unless you are living under a rock, you probably know of the horrible events happening in Texas along our border with Mexico. So before I really get into this, please hear me when I am in NO WAY justifying or saying I agree with parents being taken away from their children. It is horrific, yet it is preventable. Go ahead and throw stones, but it is what I believe.
Do children suffer for the choices their parents make? Absolutely. Is it fair? No. Does God say life is fair. No. Is God okay with this? Well, He is God and He is Sovereign and in control of everything, so in a sense. Yes. In the Bible we see many instances where God allowed whole people groups to be destroyed due to their decision to turn from Him. He allowed His own people, the Israelites to go into captivity more than once because they continued to disobey and turn from Him (2 Kings 24).
Just because bad things are happening, does not mean God is not in control. God is love, but He is equally and completely just and sovereign, and wrathful, and merciful, and MANY other characteristics. My point is, don't for one second think God is surprised by this or that it isn't part of His plan. He is allowing these things to happen. Even if we can't wrap our mind around that, doesn't make it not true. Maybe it is to wake up some people and show them this isn't how we should be acting. I don't know. I am not God and I can't see the big picture, but I do trust that He is in control and is working for the good of those who believe in Him. Romans 8:28 states "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according tho his purpose." Catcher here is "those who love God", but that's a different blog post.
I believe we are sending mixed signals as a nation because we are all up in arms over what is happening to these children (remember please, I do not think it is a good thing) yet we rip kids from their mother's womb every single day. You might say, that's not the same thing....but isn't it? Some claim, we shouldn't allow the children to suffer because of their parents mistakes? Isn't that what we do with abortion? That child suffers (dies) because of a mistake on the parent's part. Don't even try to give me the my body, my choice argument. That child has a body too and we strip them of their choice all the time. Again, my point is that we are so quick to get mad and point the finger at our administration for enforcing laws that have been around for a long time yet we turn our heads and ignore the exact same thing everyday.
Some claim the immigrants are running away from scary and impoverished circumstances. That might be the case for some, but not for all. Many (as seen on a news broadcast earlier today), even bring children to try to make their detention shorter or help their case. Now, I am not saying all are doing this, but we are a depraved people and we will use others for our own gain (again, look at abortion, sex trafficking, thieves, etc.). Honestly, this is a very sticky situation. From what I last read, the government can only contain the children for 20 days which does put some pressure on the judges to make a decision quickly and either allow entrance into the country and deportation. Without children, this can take a lot longer. Again, not everyone is doing this, but we do need to consider the ill motives of some of these parent. We also need to stop pretending we have the answer when all we are really doing is trying to place the blame.
It saddens me how some people try to use the Bible to justify their cause, yet they take things way out of context. They won't rely on the Bible to lead their life, just their agenda. Both sides are trying to use scripture to solidify their stance. Laws are put in place for a reason, and God put people in power. No one got to their position on their own. No one. Romans 13:1 says "Let every person be subject to their governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God." The families could follow the right process to enter into the US with much less heartache. They could also find alternatives for places to go to(the entire country is not unsafe). They have other options, even if not what they consider perfect. In all honesty, they are choosing to do something they know is illegal. We can't just ignore that. Yes their children are paying part of that price. Why are we not as mad at the adults doing this as we are to our government officials who are enforcing laws?
On the other hand, we are called to love our neighbor. Part of loving our neighbor is to spur them to love God and follow His commands. Sometimes love hurts. It doesn't always look or feel like roses and sunshine. Sometimes loving people causes them to hate us. We should love these people. We should take care of these children to the best of our ability given the current law, which I believe they are trying to do. Is it perfect? No. But the children are cared for, fed, have places to sleep, and medical attention. That is probably more than they had before. And the biggest thing is, the separation is temporary. Is it ideal? No. Do I pray they find another way to enforce the law with minimal affect on children? Absolutely. Until that happens we need to do what we can by praying and helping any way possible in the care of those children.
I have seen so many for and against posts from people regarding this situation but none have had anything to say about how to fix it. I know the President is meeting with people and others are trying to submit laws to make changes. I think that is a good start. In the meantime, can we choose to pray for these leaders? Can we get off our high horse and thinking that we have it all figured out? I know I don't. We can pray for the immigrants and their families. Pray that the Lord will guide those making decisions and working towards a solution. Can we stop pointing fingers and start doing what we can? I will probably never come in contact with the situation personally, but I can pray. I can choose to love and care for the orphans in my own area. Most importantly, I can trust that God put into power who He wants in power and that He will work this out in His perfect plan.
I do not have all the answers. I do not necessarily believe everything is being done right at this time. I know this situation is not cut and dry, but as a Christian, I am called to pray for my leaders, follow the law, and the biggest one, trust that God is sovereign and in control. He sees everything - past, present, future. He sees these children and He loves them. His biggest desire for them is not to be with their parents, but for them to know Him and believe in His son Jesus. We don't know how that will come to be, or if it will. Perhaps He will use this circumstance to bring the lost to Him. Trust Him and choose to love, respect, and pray, even when it hurts. I love you all. Till next time.