You are not a Victim
Hey y'all. I might seem to be going off a bit in this post and possibly even come across harsh, so I just want to give you fair warning. Read at your own risk. Here we go....I am so frustrated and tired of seeing so many people around me live their lives with a victim mentality. It is not how God wants us to represent Him. Not at all.
Here is what I mean: people who constantly respond in a way that seems to scream "woe is me!!". This can be subtle or it can be very obvious. Everyone is out to get them. Nothing they do is right and their automatic response is to bring out the negative in a situation. Now, I understand there is good use to being able to see both the positive and the negative of a circumstance, but I am talking about those whose automatic response is almost if not always negative. We all know someone like this right? Maybe we are even that person?
So what is the problem with this type of attitude? Honestly, it is sin. It is attention seeking, even if we deny it with our every being, we are desiring attention (though it is negative) in these situations. We are wanting others (even subconsciously) to notice our hardships. We are possibly even wanting pity and for those around us to think "Man, that person really has it tough and has gone through a lot." Why is that wrong? Because, we are supposed to count it joy when we face trials (James 1:2-4). We are even called more than conquerors in scripture. Romans 8:35 states "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword?" while verse 37 says "No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us."
You see, we have all we need through the Holy Spirit within us. He has already announced us as conquerors! We just have to believe that and flesh it out in our day to day lives. We need to be a positive representative of Christ. Who would want anything to do with our Savior if we constantly are going around downcast and negative about everything going on around us? If all they see is someone who believes nothing they do is right and it is always everyone else's fault? So, how can we make the adjustment if our attitude leans toward a victim mentality? We fight. We take every thought captive as scripture tells us (2 Corinthians 10:5) and compare it to what God says in His word. That means we have to know what He says in His word. :)
Understand, living like this is not our natural response. It is definitely not how the culture teaches us to respond. It takes effort. That sentence right there makes many run the other way. My question for you then is: "Do you really want to live for the Lord?" That might seem harsh, but it is a legit question. If you truly want to live for Jesus, then you will be willing to do the work and make the changes in your life necessary to be more like Christ. No more blaming others. Period.
Now, don't go throwing stones at me. :) I understand this is a battle, one I fail at more times than I would like to admit. I honestly used to be a very positive/upbeat person. That has drastically decreased over years of just living my life. However, the Lord has convicted me of this mentality and how I choose to respond to my circumstances. I believe He is pushing me to be more like Christ in how I choose to see my situations and respond to them. Could He be desiring that for you as well?
We need to encourage one another to look at life as a blessing and a joy regardless of what may be going on around us. Regardless of how much seems to be staking up on our plate. We need to seek the positive and be a light for those around us stuck in darkness. We can't do that if we live like everyone is out to get us and is against us. We can't do that if we are assuming the worst in every situation and every person. Let's choose to handle our business and not get so caught up in what those around us are doing. Let's choose to love freely, forgive unceasingly, and let God work out the rest. We each will give an account one day to the Lord. Let's hear "Well done my good and faithful servant". The choice is yours on how you will view the life God has given you. Choose wisely for you are not a victim. I love you all. Till next time.
Great new Song by Lauren Daigle that speaks of what God says about us. :)