Faith That You Don't Always Feel
I am sure you are familiar with the story in Genesis where God asks Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. Right? I have heard that many times in my life and read it each year when I attempt to read through the Bible (hard to make it past Leviticus). :) The message normally being God will provide, have faith. However, this year I am doing a Foundations study with the ladies at my church and this morning we were to read Genesis 22. I have started praying before I read each morning that God would open my heart/mind/eyes to hear from Him, especially in these passages that seem so familiar. In His mercy, He answered that prayer today.
Now, you may have already truly thought about this, and maybe I have to some degree but this morning the Lord made me pause and really think about what Abraham and Isaac could have been thinking and feeling during this ordeal. First, Abraham was promised Isaac over 10 years before he was actually born. That's along time y'all. I don't think I have ever waited for over 10 years for something. You? We read that and sometimes I think we gloss over these details that are HUGE. God, in His perfect timing, sent Isaac through Sarah and then God asks Abraham to sacrifice...aka KILL his precious son. If you are a parent, think about that. Really think about it. How painful would that be? How could you actually go through with that request? Whoa is really the only word that comes to mind.
Typically you see Isaac portrayed as a young boy (I always thought around 12, not sure why). However, that might not be the case. There are some who believe he was in his 20s upwards to 35. For one, Abraham put the wood on his shoulders to carry both To and Up the mountain (Genesis 22:6). That isn't a feet that a super small child could do. There are potentially other reasons, but even if he was younger, don't you think he could outrun or fight off Abraham...I mean he was over 100. No where in Scripture do we see Isaac fight or try to stop his father from sacrificing him. He is bound and laid on an alter and Abraham approaches with knife held high (Genesis 22:9). We don't know what type of dialog that Abraham and Isaac had except for when Isaac asked where the sacrifice was and Abraham told him God would provide it (Genesis 22:8). To me that shows an incredible faith Isaac had not only in God, but in his father. He trusted them both. This is no small thing y'all. Think about what you would do if you were Isaac.
Abraham in Hebrews 11:17-19 is said to have believed that God was able to raise Isaac from the dead which is why his faith was counted to him as righteousness. He even states in Genesis 22:5 that Then Abraham said to his young men, “Stay here with the donkey; I and the boy will go over there and worship and come again to you.”. He believed Isaac would be returning with him. He believed that when God said a nation would come from Isaac, that that was exactly what would happen. What faith Abraham had!
Is it possible to really have this level of faith? When what God requires of you is scary, painful (think of killing your own child), controversial and you honestly just don't feel like obeying, is it conceivable? My answer is Yes. Do I think I have this level of faith.....I am a work in progress. I think it all comes down to how we really see God. To say He is sovereign and in control is one thing. To really live that out is another. We can't say God is in control and then when tragedy comes, get angry at Him because our prayers weren't answered. Read that again. He is either the all knowing and all powerful God of the universe or He isn't. We can't try to put Him in a box to meet our own desires. Faith is truly believing in who God is and that His ways are perfect and right.
Don't get me wrong, God can handle our questions. He wants to hear our prayers. He cares about our struggles, pain, and fears. But He also has the answer. He is the answer. John 14:6 says Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me". Romans 8:28 makes it clear that God is in control -And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. His answer might not be the one we want. We might not understand what God is doing, that's where faith comes in. We CAN have faith that God is working for our good (for those who are His). We CAN have faith that God is in control. Even when we don't FEEL like it, we CAN have faith. Again, it comes down to what our true and deep belief is about who God is.
This faith is for those who believe in Jesus and what he accomplished on the cross on our behalf. For those that don't know Him, there is no peace. There is no faith to cling to in those unsure and uncertain moments in life. With faith in who God is, Christians can rest in the peace that only comes through Jesus. If you don't know God's immense love and mercy through Jesus's perfect life, death, burial, and resurrection, please call out to Him today. If you are a believer, take a good look at how you really see God. Does your life reflect what you believe about God? Have faith in the only One who deserves it. I am praying for you all and I love you. Till next time.