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Rest in the Unknown

I am not always a very patient person. Ask my family. :) I am a planner. I like to know what's going on so I can make sure it gets done, whatever that might be. I always try to have the mentality throughout life that God leads and He is in control. I believe that is how all believers should approach life. We don't need to put God in a box with all these boundaries where He can do whatever He wants AS LONG AS....(you fill in the blank). That's not really trusting and allowing Him to lead is it? Nope. It's not. However, I find myself getting a little impatient with God during unknown moments even to the point that I find myself praying "Lord whatever your will is, just please tell me!" I mean really. I prayed that.

I am currently in a season of my life that is full of changes, both potential and forthcoming. I have a love/hate relationship with this. I really do. I LOVE change and new adventures and going/doing what the Lord leads, but I HATE the in between time where you know change is coming, but you don't know exactly what it is yet. It drives me nuts. Can you feel me on this? Anyone?

Praise the Lord that He is with me even in my impatience. A few verses have come to mind recently that have helped me as I navigate this time. First is Proverbs 19:23 which states "The fear of the Lord leads to life, and whoever has it rests satisfied; he will not be visited by harm". I love this reminder. My focus needs to be fearing the Lord. Being in awe of His holiness and righteousness, not myself or what is going on around me. I can REST satisfied, knowing full well that God is in control, no matter the situation.

Second is Matthew 11:28-30 which reads "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." I just feel so much peace reading those verses. Don't you? God doesn't want us to carry our burdens or unknown situations by ourselves. He desires to give us rest. He knows life is difficult and that there are situations that are dire and stressful. He wants to carry us through those. He is reminding us of His faithfulness and deep abiding love for us. He calls us to learn from Him. What did Jesus do in His most stressful time (think Garden of Gethsemane)? He prayed. He called out to God. Not only that, but He said Your(God's) will, not mine.

Let's learn from Jesus as He asks us to. Let's call out to God in our unknown or stressful times. Let's trust Him to give us rest when we have no idea what is to come because we know He is good (Romans 8:28-30) and cares for us more than we can ever imagine. Let's focus on Him and not what we can't control. He holds the world in His hands. I promise, He's not surprised or wondering what's next for you. He knows. Trust Him. I need this reminder daily. I love you all. Till next time.


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